Engineering Labs

Drawing Lab

Drawing lab: Since Engineering Drawing is a graphic representation of technical objects or parts it is the result of creative thinking by College of Engineering students’ .Therefore, one of the main requirements of it is Engineering Drawing hall/Lab with all its contents where students can draw their designs and projects in a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Drilling & Petroleum Fluid Properties Lab

Drilling and Petroleum Fluid Properties Lab: The main objectives of drilling lab are to teach the undergraduate students in the Department of Petroleum Engineering the main engineering aspects of design and testing of drilling fluids, cement slurry and hard-set cement used in drilling and completing petroleum and natural gas wells for a specific lithology. Such practical experimentation would enable student to design the proper drilling fluids required to drill petroleum and natural gas wells for a given lithology. It also enables them to examine the main properties of the designed drilling fluids. Several physical laboratory tests or methods for characterizing quality could be conducted within this lab involving crude oil and is products.

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Fluid mechanics lab: The objective of this laboratory is to determine the various parameters related to fluid flow in pipes. In addition to that the students gain a hand-on experience in fluid mechanics. The Lab is used to examine the properties of fluid and conduct experiments involving both incompressible and compressible flow. Various properties of fluid could be studied within this lab, such as velocity, pressure, density, and viscosity.

Geological Lab

Geological Lab: Geological lab is a significant branch in Petroleum engineering. This course covers basic Earth processes and Earth materials (minerals and rocks). Students develop skills in critical thinking, observation of natural phenomena, scientific writing, detection, and exploitation of hydrocarbons and treatment of environmental problems as well as basic geological skills (creating and reading maps, rock, and mineral identification).

Soil Testing Lab

Soil Testing Lab: It is critical to quantify the various properties of soil in order to predict how it will behave under field loading for the safe design of soil structures. This lab prepares the students to enter the field with collection of the most common of these soil mechanics tests. Several tests could be conducted within this lab such as type and properties of the soil, compaction strength of the soil, permeability of the soil and the amount of the consolidation occurring in the soil.

Thermodynamics Lab

Thermodynamics Lab: The consolidation of the theoretical concepts as well use and learning of experiment a (techniques that are compatible with technological has been the main goals in thermodynamics and heat transfer for thermal systems. The experimental benches in this laboratory are presented. Besides, the guidelines which derive the conception of laboratory for making the engineers conscious of the deep relation the development and Experimental work is focused.

Water Testing Lab

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