The role of information in strategic planning in business
A national workshop was held by the Department of Business Administration entitled on information and Strategic Planning in Business
A workshop was held by the Department of Business Administration entitled “The role of information in strategic planning in business” on May 23, 2021. At the beginning of the workshop, Mr. Yazen Nafea Mahmood, lecturer at the Business Administration Department at Knowledge University as the organizer of the workshop gave a brief background on the topic. Then, Mr. Idres Sadeeq from the Department of Business Administration in details talked about the issue of strategic planning in the business firms in the Kurdistan Region that impacts their productivity and performance. Mr. Idrees then highlighted the possible solution to the business organization in Kurdistan Region through strategic planning and restructuring their position and giving more focus to the vision, mission, and value of the organization. The second part of the workshop was devoted to the participants to discuss the issues and solutions on business trategic issues in the region. The workshop came up with several recommendations to develop business strategies through information.
Outcomes and recommendations of the workshop:
1.Participants understood the role of information and know-how to identify information and its sources in the business.
2. Participants acknowledged and encouraged to use information in strategic planning of the firms.
3. The participants were enriched with the knowledge to deal with exceptional and sudden circumstances that occur during work, and highly recommended to rely on information that is characterized by reliability, accuracy, and high credibility.