International Conference on Digital Media\\\'s Impact on Societal Security Opens at Knowledge University
ERBIL, April 27th, 2024
First Day:
The second international conference entitled "Digital Media Effects on Society Security Under Domestic and International Laws" commenced this morning at Knowledge University in Erbil. This significant event is held under the auspices of Dashti Haji Najmaddin, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Knowledge University, and Prof. Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dizaye, President of the University, along with the Vice President of Sulaymaniyah Polytechnic University.
The conference has attracted a diverse group of researchers, academics, and experts from over 13 countries including Britain, Thailand, Egypt, Russia, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco, and others. Their collective expertise spans a range of disciplines pertinent to digital media and its implications on societal security.
Amid the presence of distinguished academics from various Arab and European countries, the conference aims to delve into the profound effects of digital media on societal norms and security measures, framed by domestic and international legal contexts. This gathering of global minds provides a platform for rigorous debates and discussions, fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by digital advancements in media.
Second Day:
The Second International Scientific Conference on Digital Information and its Impact on Social Security wrapped up its second day with significant developments. The event, held in violation of neither domestic nor international law, saw the presentation of 19 research papers. Discussions concluded with constructive feedback on the final paper, and the conference officially ended shortly after sunset.
The conference, which featured prominent figures such as the President of the Security Agency and the President of the University of Knowledge, focused on the intersections of digital media, privacy, and social security. The Chairman of the Scientific Committee delivered the closing remarks and highlighted the key recommendations derived from the research presented.
Among the recommendations were proposals for national media campaigns to educate the public about the negative impacts of digital media on privacy and social security. Additionally, there was a strong call for the formulation of new legislation to better regulate the relationships between digital media, social security, and the electronic environment, as well as to comprehensively address all electronic crimes.
A notable outcome from the conference was the proposal to establish a Government Commission for Monitoring Digital Information in the Kurdistan Region. The event concluded with the distribution of certificates to researchers, recognizing their contributions to a highly successful conference.