Dhary Alewy Almashhadany

Prof. , Ph.D

Email: [email protected]

Department: Medical Laboratory Science

Dhary Alewy Almashhadany is a Professor of Public Health / Food Safety / Bacteriology. He has an M.Sc.Degree in 1984, and Ph.D.in 1996 from Baghdad University. He joined Knowledge University(KNU) in 2015 and is currently working in the Department of Medical Lab Science (DMLS), College of Science (CSCN). Dhary taught several undergraduate and postgraduate courses at several universities, starting at Mosul University in 1984. 

During his work on public health and food safety, he published more than seven books, one of them as a textbook, at Mosul University in 1991. Prof Dhary published about 63 research papers in national and international reputed journals and supervised about (35) thirty-five PhD, MSc. and Diploma students in the field of Public Health and Food-Borne Pathogens. Prof Dhary is an annual active member of the American Society for Microbiology and the Euro-Arab for Veterinary Association. Prof Dhary working as an Editor-in-Chief Sumerianz Journal of Scientific Research/Pakistan. Also editorial member and reviewer in many national and international journals.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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